Information About the Event
WRTC History
WRTC 2006 Program (Schedule)
Tourist Information and Facts
The Result Checking System (Scoring)
Basic Answers for WRTC Questions
Selection of Teams
Referees Selection Criteria WRTC2006
WRTC 2006 Contest Rules
IARU Contest Rules (New Release)
Teams Selection
Teams and Referees Lists
WRTC 2006 Stations
WRTC 2006 Stations - Maps
MN MS Stations
Great Circle Map, ITU Zones, etc
WRTC 2006 Organization
WRTC 2006 Reflector
WRTC 2006 Scoreboard Demo
Contest Logs - PY
Propagation Analysis for WRTC 2006 and other info., by PY2YP
Rules - Instructions

Dear Friends:

To facilitate the WRTC2006 application process, we are making available to the WRTC 2006 Community our Contest Results Checking System”.

We built a complete database of all results of the contests selected by WRTC 2006. The automated system will make it easier to everyone to choose their best results for their application.  (This is not an automated submission Web page, only a score listing database.)

We look forward to your applications. Do not forget that all applicants by default also applies for a place in the “Multi-National Multi-Single Teams” (MN MS), thus giving you a second opportunity to participate – and with the additional flavor to participate from a competitive MS Station it the IARU contest and at the same time compete for the special WRTC 2006 MN MS Trophy. This is the step-by-step procedure:

1) Go to our Web page

2) Click on the banner "Contest Results Checking System"

3) The following window will appear:

4) Click any contest and the following window will appear:


5) If you want to list all of the selected contests in which you participated, in the “List” window select “All results of a call” and in the “Operator Call” window insert your call.


6) To view scoring results for each contest, select: ”Contest”, “Mode”, Year”, “List”, “Region”, “Category”. “Operator Call” is optional, depending on what is selected in the “List”. 

7) To get an overview of all results for a Category in all Regions or all results for all Categories in a Region, ten select: “Contest”, “Mode”, “Year”, “List” (All, or limit the list), and finally “Region” or “Category” as follows:

   1. All Regions, selected Category – Selected Category for all Regions will be listed.
   2. Selected Region, All Categories – All Categories for the selected Region will be listed
   3. All Regions and all Categories – Will prompt you to select either or.


We are still developing the system and are available to correct any errors you might detect. We kindly ask all users to test the system and to contact us in case of any corrections needed.

The WRTC2006 Steering Committee would like to express the deepest thanks to our friends SM0CXU (PY2ZXU) Thomas Carlsson and Rodrigo G.Silvestre (ICTEC Engineer) for the extremely nice job done.

PY2YP – Cesar Rodrigues py2yp@py2yp.ws

PY5EG – Atilano de Oms py5eg@iesa.com.br

SM0CXU – Thomas Carlson thomascarl@gmail.com

© 2005 - WRTC 2006 - IesaWeb