K5ZD Randy – Novo Diretor CQ WW

Apos a aposentadoria de K3EST Bob Randy e nomeado o novo diretor do CQ WW

Desejamos boa sorte a ele!


Na foto abaixo K5ZD- Randy operando ZW5B 1998 CQ WW CW






Randy Thompson, K5ZD, Named Director of CQ World Wide DX  Contest

(Hicksville, NY) October 1, 2012 — CQ Contest Hall of Fame  member and WPX  Contest Director Randy Thompson, K5ZD, has been named Director of  the CQ  World Wide DX Contest, effective immediately.
Randy succeeds Bob Cox,  K3EST, who retired in September after 35 years at the helm of the world’s most
popular amateur radio contest.

Thompson, 53, has been a ham since age  13.
He is an accomplished  contester, having multiple wins in the CQ World Wide  DX Contest and the CQ WPX
Contest, among others.
He has also competed in four  World Radiosport Team Championships.
In addition, Randy is a past editor of the  “National Contest Journal” (a post he has held three separate times) and a  co-founder of the eHam.net website.
He is a longtime member of the Yankee  Clipper Contest Club and an instructor at K3LR’s Contest University.
He has been  Director of the CQ WPX Contest since 2008, coincidentally the same year in which  he was
inducted into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame.

“The CQ WW is the  biggest event on the contest calendar,” commented Thompson. “I am honored to be  involved and follow in the giant footsteps of K3EST.
With the great conditions  we are seeing on the bands, this year should be the biggest CQ WW ever!
The  first order of business is to have the team ready for the new 5-day log deadline  and faster results reporting.”

CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, said  Thompson’s appointment marks the start of a new chapter in the history of CQ  World Wide DX Contest, adding “The CQ management team looks forward to working  with Randy as CQWW Director.
His four years as WPX Contest Director have already  demonstrated his ability to successfully and creatively guide a major contest,  and we are totally confident that he will take the CQWW to even greater  heights.”

Thompson’s appointment to the directorship of the CQWW creates  a vacancy for director of the CQ WPX Contests.


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